
Different kinds of waste can be classified from a variety of viewpoints. According to legislation, waste is either classified as hazardous or non-hazardous, according to its state it is a solid or liquid, and according to origin it is regarded as excavation waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste or municipal waste. Waste from production, especially from mechanical engineering, is a special kind of waste. 

Among the pivotal science-research activities of the Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, is designing modern, effective railroad structures in connection with increasing train speeds on railroads. One of the important employee inventions which solves the above-mentioned issue and which originates from this institute is a testing slab for under-sleeper pads.

Protecting property and belongings, controlling access to protected areas – these are topics experts wrestle with every day in order to assure their clients and users of security systems that they have done their absolute utmost for their customers’ safety and a secure night’s sleep. 

Who hasn’t experienced arriving at a favourite swimming resort, pond or lake and finding there a stinking greeny-yellow liquid? On beautiful summer days we often hear media reports warning against bathing in this or that reservoir due to the occurrence of cyanobacteria. Researchers at the Brno University of Technology have developed an original, environmentally friendly method for eliminating undesirable cyanobacteria and applied it at the Brno Reservoir.

Sunshine is used in many ways, e.g. for heating buildings or water. This is made possible by solar collectors, equipment that absorbs solar radiation and transforms it into heat. A solar collector functions on the principle of collecting heat under a glass (i.e. transparent) cover in an absorber which is then heated and transfers heat to the heat-carrying medium (water, air, oil etc.).

Industry today is an integral part of everyone’s life. One of the basic branches every human needs and whose products we cannot do without is civil engineering. Nevertheless, some procedures and processes in the production of building materials may have negative impacts on both the environment and health and safety conditions in plants and worksites.