
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Department of Biomedical Engineering (the Department) is oriented to interdisciplinary analysis of biomedical signals and images, biomedical electronics, bioinformatics, technology in medicine, genomics and proteomics, and environmentalism.

Selected research fields:

  • processing of medical data: electrocardiograms, ultrasound sequences, ophthalmic image data, 3D MRI data, microscopic images.
  • processing of genomic data: analysis of DNA and proteins.
  • other studies of experimental acquisition and development of clinical and research instrumentation.

What do we offer?

  • Realization of system for recording of biomedical signals (electrograms, action potentials, heat etc.), which is an important part of perfusion system for isolated hearts of small laboratory animals.
  • Software for complex processing and analysis of autofluorescence images of the retina, which is useful for early diagnosing of glaucoma.
  • Identification of structural motives in proteomic sequences, which are used as a carcinoma markers for cytostatic therapy with metal using fylogenetic analysis and numerical techniques.


  • Masarykova univerzita v Brně
  • Mendelova univerzita
  • University of Bergen
  • Tampere University of Technology
  • University of Erlangen
  • AV ČR
  • Úrazová nemocnice v Brně
  • Nemocnice u sv. Anny Brno
  • BLOCK, a.s.
  • PHILIPS, a.s.
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