Faculty of Civil Engineering
Cooperation with companies includes:
- measuring and testing the elements and materials of building structures
- mathematical calculations, modelling and CFD simulation
- professional and expert opinions
- development of and research into new construction materials and technologies
- training and seminars
Departments of the faculty
Development of advanced structures and technologies.
Development of advanced building materials.
We are engaged in architecture and the development of residential complexes in every professional context, starting from theory to the design of buildings, building ensembles and urban complexes.
We specialize in analyses, designs and the implementation of information systems (intranet, extranet).
We diagnose, reinforce, design and optimize structures made of simple reinforced and pre-stressed concrete. We perform supervision of structures and offer expertise, including by determining their residual life span.
We are dealing with chemistry and ecotoxicology of building materials, degradation processes of materials, chemistry of surface water and sediments, and waste water treatment.
Physics is the driving force behind all innovations and inventions. Knowledge based on physics is the key to success in almost all branches of science, engineering and technology.
We transfer reality from the terrain to your computer.
We study the mineral environment, its characteristics, its interaction with the built environment and we examine the usability of geomaterials as building materials.
One of the primary criteria in the design process, which includes safety, reliability and durability, is dimensioning building structures for stress effects.
In our research we provide technical and scientific support to specialized institutes.
Research, development and realization in the planning and design of roads, crossroads and related areas, traffic safety, telematics and transport engineering.
We are engaged in the comprehensive building design and diagnostics.
We are engaged in the teaching of foreign languages, soft skills, building law and supplementary pedagogical studies.
We specialize in economics and management in civil engineering.
We are engaged in the research, development and practical application of comprehensive investigative methods concerning the responses of building structures with regard to their reliability and durability.
We are engaged in the research and development of diagnostic and testing methods, diagnostic structures and in testing building materials and products.
A healthy internal environment and low energy consumption when operating buildings.
The realization of building projects is not only a matter of an architectural and construction design with static calculation.
We are engaged in researching and developing building materials, technologies for their production, including testing.
The principle of all things is water, everything comes from water and returns to water. Thales of Miletus
We are engaged in every aspect of water in the landscape.
The production and distribution of drinking water, as well as the draining and cleaning of waste water, are the institute’s two key areas of interest.
„Railway technology has been already connecting us for three centuries …“