We are intensively engaged not only in issues of water supply, sewerage and waste water treatment, but also with engineering networks in general, balneo-technology and waste management. We are particularly interested in modern technologies for water treatment and cleaning of waste water, the modern analysis of water-mains and sewerage networks, and as part of our research we focus on risk analysis and the vulnerability of water supply systems.
We offer the following:
- Expert opinions and expertise in the sphere of water supply, sewerage and the cleaning of waste water
- Design work, hydraulic calculations and optimizing the operation of water-supply and sewerage networks
- Mathematical modelling of water-supply networks – hydraulic analyses, mathematical modelling of sewerage networks (gravity, pressurized and under-pressure) and the detailed design of engineering structures
- Monitoring the pressure and flow-rate conditions of water-supply networks, monitoring waste water treatment plants and sewerage systems
- Designing technology for water treatment and waste water cleaning, pumping station designs
- Evaluating the effectiveness of technological processes
- Monitoring surface water quality
- Control analyses of drinking water quality
- Risk analysis and making WSP plans of water-supply systems
- Analyses of water loss
- Resolving reliability issues of water-supply systems using advanced models, planning the rehabilitation of water-supply and sewerage networks
- Courses of lifelong learning for practical employment and the state administration, accredited by ČKAIT
- Drawing up expert opinions for grant applications from government and European funds, advisory activities in preparing projects for grants from structural funds and in tender proceedings to select architectural and construction suppliers
- A set of dataloggers for measuring and recording pressure in water mains
- Ultrasound flow-meters (measuring flow-rates in pressure pipe mains and open profiles)
- Hach-Lange DR2800 spectrophotometer for measuring a wide range of chemical parameters of water
- YSI 6920 multiparametric monitoring probe (pH, NH4, NO3, temperature, conductivity, chlorides, dissolved oxygen, turbidity)
- RITEC shaft camera for looking into the sewerage network (with recording), a set of psychrometers
- Mouse: software for the mathematical modelling of flow in sewerage networks
- MikeNet: a software application for mathematically modelling flow in water-main networks (including a water quality model), Flow3d - software for CFD analysis
- RelNet - software module for evaluating the reliability of water-main networks
- WaterRisk – risk analysis of public water mains, web application
- ATJ special s.r.o.
- Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a. s.
- Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s.
- ČOV Račice-Pístovice
- Obec Dolní Loučky
- Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace a.s.
- Sdružení obcí pro výstavbu skupinového vodovodu v oblasti "Babicko"
- Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s.
- Teplárny Brno, a.s.