We offer the following:
- Design work:
- design and advisory work for all types of roads and road-related areas
(highways, roads, local roads, intersections, terminals, squares, parks, parking areas etc.)
- architectural supervision on construction sites
- Traffic engineering:
- measuring the characteristics of traffic flow
- evaluation measurements, proposing measures
- developing models of traffic flow
- simulating traffic solutions
- calculating the capacities of intersections, road sections - Structure of the roadway and road body:
- laboratory and functional testing of road construction materials
- designing and evaluating road structures, maintenance and repairs
- developing new surfacing for the construction layers of roads
- use of secondary raw materials and recycling theories
- Authorized expert and provider of expert opinions
- Safety audits and inspections
- Creation of standards and regulations, acceptance of EN
- Lifelong learning
Microwave and laser meters to measure traffic flow intensity and vehicle speed, GPS apparatuses for monitoring vehicle position, accelerometers
Software for simulating and modelling traffic flow, intersections and the transport network
Software for planning and designing roads
Instruments for the material, empirical and functional testing of asphalts, asphalt mixtures and soils for the comprehensive analysis of the structure and subsoil of roads and roadways
- Centrum dopravního výzkumu
- COLAS CZ, a.s.
- EUROVIA CS, a. s.
- HBH Projekt
- Praha, spol. s r. o.NIEVELT – Labor Praha s.r.o.
- PARAMO, a.s.
- PavEx Consulting s.r.o.
- PK Ossendorf s.r.o.
- PK Ossendorf s.r.o.
- Regionální agentura pro rozvoj
- Střední Moravy
- Ředitelství silnic a dálnic
- Shell Czech Republic a.s.
- Skanska a.s., divize Silniční stavitelství
- STRABAG a.s.
- Technische universität Wien,Institut für Strassenbau und Strassenerhaltung