Unique know-how of the given research unit:
- Software “Czech Snowball Stemmer”
- Software “Native XML Database”
- Software “Real-Time Indexing”
- Software “K-Nearest Neighbor Based Classifier
- Software “PicoBlaze C Compiler”
- Software “Tool for Technical Changes Risks Management”
- Software “Trajectory classification framework”
- Software “Video and Feature processing”
- Software “WebVector”
- Software “Lissom tools for simulation of Application
- Specific „Instruction-set Processors”
- Directive “Risk assessment methodology of technical modifications”
- Software “jStyleParser Library”
- Software “JWordDB”
Thematic focus of the research unit / research team (research interests):
- Architecture descriptive languages – generation of microprocessor models, their functional simulation, development/automatic derivation of development tools
- Object-oriented modeling, object-oriented databases, database design
- Data mining & knowledge discovery
- Formal specifications of reactive and real-time systems
- Computer networks and communication protocols
- Information systems
- Software metrics and software project management
- Cryptographic protocols and security mechanisms
- Formal languages and automata
- Functional languages