Kanalizační systémy zabezpečují rychlé a účinné odvádění splaškových a dešťových vod již několik desítek let.  Materiály kanalizačních trub a šachet za léta provozu erodují a dochází tak k poruchám, které je nutné řešit.

Nevíte jakou hmotu použít pro utěsnění zvodnělých zemních horizontů? Jedině takovou, která odolá rozplavení! S touto novou hmotou je možné vytvořit plně funkční těsnící blok i pod hladinou podzemní vody.

All building experts know twisted wire ropes. And they also know that these ropes cannot be stressed by flexion. A research team from the Faculty of Civil Engineering has developed a new solution for maintaining constant strength even under high flexion and high dynamic stress.

This grout is a new technical solution with a variable modulus of elasticity. It has been advantageously designed in particular for the renovation of sandstone masonry, specifically tunnel masonry.

The invention of a magnetic backflow valve for discharging water quickly from a tank, which finds its ultilization at horizontal root-zone treatment plants, has currently its practical application - BUT has a licence agreement concluded with the company ASIO, spol. s r.o., which is the first company to place a device of such a type on the Czech market. 

In the Institute of Building Testing of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of BUT, a device which will enable the monitoring of the strain of fine concrete and mortar has been projected. The inventor of this equipment is Prof. Ing. Jiří Adámek, CSc., along with his colleague Jaroslav Šefc, who both participated in the development of the equipment and made the prototype by themselves.